Sunday, November 09, 2014

Remember these bad boys? Click here for the yarn I used: 

A TON of you have been asking me so many questions on how to make these cable slippers because the pattern is very hard to understand and makes it extremely challenging to follow along smoothly while knitting. I don't know about you, but when I knit, I want it to be a relaxing experience. I would compare it to as if I were doing yoga. I don't want to have a hernia because I am trying to understand what the heck the pattern is trying to say!!! SO, alas, I have rewritten the pattern for DROPS. You are welcome DROPS Design! haha okay anyway, Here it is. Click here to follow along with me: 


Materials I used:
-Size 5 Super Bulky Yarn - I used Loops & Threads Charisma in red, OR this is basically the exact same in Bernat Softee Chunky.
-Size US 10(6mm) Needles
-Tapestry Needle



BO-Bind Off

CO-Cast On

DPNs-Double Pointed Needles

K2tog-Knit two together

NOTES: You can either use DPNs size US 10(6mm) OR approx. 36” circular needles if you are doing the magic loop method.

SIZES: US: 5/6½ - 7½/8½ - 9/10 

 *You are starting at the opening at the top of the shoe

CO 36(38, 40) sts

Work in GARTER ST in the round:
Round 1: Knit
Round 2: Purl

Repeat until piece measures approx. 1½''(4cm), ending with a Purl round. (4 ridges)

Keep the first 9(11, 11) sts on your needle(DO NOT DO ANYTHING WITH THEM, JUST LEAVE THEM THERE!), slip the remaining 27(27, 29) sts on a stitch holder.

Row 1: CO 1, Knit all stitches, CO 1 and knit it, turn your work over - 11(13, 13) sts.
Row 2: Knit

Continue in garter st back and forth for 2 ¾”(3 ¼”, 4'') 7cm(8.5cm, 10 cm) (I did mine for 14 ridges)

BO the sts you CO on each side - 9(11, 11) sts.

Pick up 12(14, 16) sts on first side.

Slip the sts from stitch holder back on needle

Pick up 12(14, 16) sts on the other side of middle part – 60(66, 72) sts on needle.

Put 1 marker mid front of toe and 1 marker mid back on heel.
*Slip the first 11 stitches that are on your left needle onto your right needle so you are back to your working yarn.* place a stitch marker where the beginning of your round is. (On your right needle before your first stitch on your left needle)

Continue in the round in garter stitch
Round 1: Purl
Round 2: Knit

After knitting for 3/4''(2cm), K2tog on each side of every marker on every other round(or every knit round) - 4 sts decrease per round.

Continue dec until piece measures 2"(2", 2½") 5cm(5cm, 6cm)
(I had 7 ridges all together. I ended with a knit(decrease) row and did a knit BO.

Bind Off.

Sew tog seam in outermost st to avoid a chunky seam.

CO 22.
Row 1: Knit all stitches
Row 2: K1. M1. (K4. M1) 5 times total. K1

Work according to A.1 until piece measures approx. 12½"(13", 13 3/4") 32cm(33cm, 35cm)

On last row dec 3 sts over every cable in A.1 - 22 sts.

Knit the next 2 rows. Then BO.

Place cast-on edge over bind-off edge and sew on 3 buttons for decoration through the leg. Pull leg 3/4''(2cm) down on foot with buttons on the outside of slipper and sew leg to cast-on edge on slipper from WS with invisible stitches.

Knit another slipper the same way, make sure that the leg opening is on the opposite side.


ALSO! I have told you guys that I am NOT an expert on knitting, I just love to do it, and I also love to teach and edit videos, so I do make mistakes! Yes, it is hard to believe that I am not perfect. #SARCASM. This was my first pattern that has a chart to follow. I thought, why read a chart? It is very confusing and I am not used to reading one so I'm just going to write it out. I rewrote it on this blog post and I showed you how to do it in my video tutorial. Now that I am more experienced and have made other patterns with charts, I have realized that I made the loose leg the wrong way. You are supposed to read charts starting from the bottom right hand corner, going to the left. I started at the top left hand corner, going to the right. Wouldn't that be easy since that's how we read, right?! I am sorry for that mistake, but guess what? My slippers look perfect! It ends up being the same thing! So you can still follow along with me on how I did it in my video, or you can do it the right way. 

Here is the video if you want to follow along with me!

Follow me on Instagram for more giveaways and my every day life!

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  1. How much yarn does this pattern use?

  2. It says to follow pattern A1 for cables, but can't find it!!


  3. Could this pattern be done in stockinette stitch for the foot part?

  4. I will be trying this beautiful pattern but here is my question. I have purchased the same Loops and Thread Charisma yarn. The yarn calls for a sample done with 9mm needles. I had to go down to a 8mm to match the size. Now, the patterns calls for a #6 needle. Do I go down to a #5 then?

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